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As part of the EORN Cell Gap Project, our partner, Rogers Communications, will be building new tower sites across the region. They are looking for properties where land could be leased for the construction of a tower. The selection, negotiation, contracting and construction of the location of cell towers is the exclusive responsibility of Rogers Communications. EORN plays no role in the process other than to forward the contact information from interested parties to Rogers.

The majority of towers will be 90 metres in height and have supporting guy wires. The minimum space required for the tower footprint is 150 metres by 150 metres. Proximity to road and electrical power are important for selection.

By completing this form, you are giving EORN your consent to share the information you provide with Rogers Communications. If the site meets engineering requirements, or if more information is needed, a Rogers real estate representative may contact you. Completing this form does not guarantee that a tower will be built on the suggested land.

Contact Information

Property Details

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